29 December 2007

The Witch's Curse - Part 2

The hag straightened, grew to twice her height, turned purple (not an attractive shade of purple, of course) and SCREAMED.

“HOWWWW DARE YOOOOOU!!!!!!” she thundered. “A witch's anger you earned – a witch's curse you reap! A girl you bear, a beauty she would be – but ugly and fat forever see! Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, you stuck-up snip!”

POOF! She vanished in a cloud of bad-smelling smoke, setting off the smoke detectors.

Cindy – wet, cold and very upset – sat at her workdesk talking to her husband.

“But George, she cursed me!” she explained for the tenth time.

“Sweetie, she was just a nutty old lady with a mean streak a mile wide... call the police, report her, and forget about it” George advised for the fifth time.

“But... she rhymed!” Cindy wept. “Normal nutty people don't rhyme. People with weird powers rhyme!”

George sighed. This was one 'discussion' he could tell he wasn't going to win.


The baby was born 26 weeks later. She was beautiful – well, as beautiful as babies get. She was a little squashed-looking, and bright red, and bald... but the nurses assured Cindy that it would definitely pass. Cindy wasn't so sure. She knew babies didn't look like that for long. But her baby was cursed, and she didn't know what to do.

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