24 November 2007

The Changeling - Part 2

The next day, 2 hours of broken sleep later, they had their answer.

“It's that hag who lives next door to you, dearies” explained the fairy godfather, “she's hated you for years, apparently your kitchen tap drips far too loudly.”

Kylie and Justin looked at each other, confusion waxing and waning. “THAT'S why she kept banging on the wall in the middle of the night?” Justin asked, “Sheesh, we thought she thought we were having sex or something!”

“What do we do now?” asked Kylie.

“Wellll...” the fairy godfather drawled, examining a nail, “We could counter-curse her – it's only fair. And she'd be so busy getting rid of it she'd take her energy away from keeping up her own curses”

“Ummm...” said Kylie. “Would that hurt her?”

“Ohhh, you're no fun!” pouted the fairy godfather. “Alright, just something annoying, then. A leaky tap in her kitchen. And I'll charge you mate's rates, because your husband's so darn cute! Rowwwwr!” And with a flick of his wrist, he vanished.

“That stupid woman!” yelled Kylie, then quieted her voice when a banging on the wall was heard. “She's caused herself more annoyance just to upset us – what a twit! Do you think she's incompetent? Mentally unstable?”

“Probably, darling,” Justin grinned, “after all, it takes a strange person to curse someone... or arrange for it!” He ducked and ran, with a skill born of long practice.

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